Raphael Monsanto je nevjerovatni muzičar koji, pored snimanja svojih pjesama, pravi obrade i balkanskih pjesama. Veliki broj pratitelja ima upravo iz naše zemlje.
Na njegovom youtube kanalu kao i instagram profilu ga prati više od 30 hiljada ljudi, a veliku pažnju privlači svojim izgledom i simpatičnošću kojom obrađuje pjesme.
Ženski.ba je ekskluzivno intervjuisao ovog muzičara. Intervju na engleskom jeziku možete pogledati ispod.
Raphael dolazi iz Curacaa, to je mali holandski otok na Karibima na obali Venezuele. Odrastao je tamo, a gitaru je počeo svirati kada je imao trinaest godina.
“Volim bendove poput Megadeth, Metallice, Guns and roses… Kada sam napunio 19 godina, počeo sam da se interesujem i za ostale tipove muzike. Moja ljubav prema jezicima također je počela u ranijem dobu. Pričao sam Španski jezik sa sedam godina gledajući TV, a engleski je je došao kratko nakon toga.
Preselio sam se sa porodicom u Europu kada sam imao 16 godina i nastavio sa sviranjem, želeći više i više. Nakon studiranja sporta, primijetio sam da je muzika više bila „moja stvar“ i priključio sam se bendu. Naučio sam mnogo, ali nakon tri godine bilo je vrijeme da stvari uradim na svoj način. Tada sam počeo dobivati poslove u Njemačkoj. Imao sam veliku čast da pjevam i sviram gitaru i bass sa nekima od velikih umjetnika kao što je Joe Cocker, Juanes, Mariah Carey i ostali” kazao je Raphael za naš portal.
Pjesme sa Balkana pjeva fenomenalno. Do ideje je došao sasvim slučajno, na jednoj zabavi:
“Ideja za pjevanjem internacionalnih pjesama nije ništa novo. Radio sam to od kada sam bio jako mlad. Ali, primijetio sam da mi se ne sviđaju samo američke ili britanske pop pjesme. Sviđaju mi sa svih strana svijeta, i volio sam da ih pjevam.
Kada su prijatelji organizovali zabavu, zamolili su me da otpjevam pjesmu Bobana Rajovića. Već sam znao pjevati pjesmu Bijelog Dugmeta- Ako ima Boga, ali nekako ova njegova pjesma je bila drugačija. Pjevao sam na njihovoj zabavi, svidjela im se, tako da sam odlučio da je postavim na svoj instagram, kao dio izbora pjesama koje sam radio i nazvao ga internacionalne pop pjesme. Cool stvar je da je Boban ustvari vidio taj video i njegov menadžment me pitao da li mogu napraviti verziju za youtube, što sam i uradio. Reakcija je bila nevjerovatna, tako da sam odlučio da radim što više takvih obrada.”
“Balkan je prošao kroz mnogo promjena u posljednjim desetljećima. Muzika više liči na zapadni tip muzike a ja volim taj prelaz. Volim kada ima malo tradicionalnog ali i modernog. Evo na primjer, Dino Merlin i Saša Kovačević su napravili vrlo zapadnjački stil glazbe, što meni zvuči nevjerovatno. Također volim ljude poput Seke Aleksić i Bobana Rajovića koji su ostali dosljednji tradicionalnom stilu ali imaju ovaj pop osjećaj.
I zbog toga što volim muziku generalno, uvijek ću biti zainteresovan za slušanjem novih i zanimljivih stvari.
Moj novi sinlg Antidoto čak ima malo Balkanskog, jer u pauzama možete osjetiti/čuti harmoniku.”
Mnogo Bosanki ga prati, i njegovi su veliki fanovi. Kažu da ima specifičan izgled, a simpatičnost pjevanja ih još više privlači. Kaže da su Bosanke posebne ljepotice:
“Omg, Bosanske žene i generalno žene sa Balkana su nevjerovatno. One su pune poštovanja i mnogo fine. Obasipaju me komplimentima, i mnogo su lijepe.
Moram iskreno reći da bih imao problem sa biranjem „jedne najbolje prijateljice“. Ako shvatate šta hoću da kažem.
One su u jednoj riječi, ne, hajmo reći dvije riječi: Posebne ljepotice.”
(Pripremila: Lejla F. / Ženski.ba)
English version interview with Raphael:
Raphael Monsanto is amazing musician who, besides recording his songs, is recording covers of song from Balkan. In our country there are a lot of people who is supporting him.
On his youtube channel and also on instagram profile he has more than 30 thousand people, and great attention attracts with his look and with passion.
Ženski.ba has exclusive interview with this amazing man.
Tell us more about yourself?
“Originally I am from curacao it's a small Dutch island in the Caribbean of the coast of Venezuela. I grew up there and started playing guitar there when I was 13 I loved bands like metallica guns and roses etcetera.
It wasn't until I was about 19 that I started getting more interested in other music as well. My love for languages also started at a young age. I was able to speak Spanish with 7 years old just by watching tv and English came shortly after that.
I moved with my family to Europe when I was 16 and kept on making music slowly wanting more and more. After studying sports for a while I noticed music was more my thing and I joined a boy band. Learned a lot but after 3 years it was time to do things on my own. That's when I started getting jobs in Germany. I had the honour to sing play guitar and bass with some great artists like Joe Cocker, Juanes, Mariah Carey and more
It was then that I decided to move to Germany. And I have been here ever since.
Working mostly as a cover artist doing different kinds of parties shows etc.”
You are singing balkan songs very well. Where idea came from? How did you learn our language?
“The idea to sing international songs was nothing new. I had been doing that since I was younger. But I noticed more and more that I did not only like the American and British pop songs. I liked songs from all over the world, and loved singing them too. For example aicha in French and alors on danse or Laura non ce ( Italian ) etc etc. so when friends of mine had a party and asked me to sing a song by Boban Rajovic. I said that's great let me try it. I had already known Ako ima boga by bjelo dugme. But somehow this song Ruzno Pace. Was more difficult. I sang it at their party. They loved it so I decided to post it on Instagram as part of selection I was doing called international pop songs. The cool thing is that Boban actually got to see it. His management asked me If i could make a version for YouTube and so I did. The reaction to this was incredible and that's how I started doing more and more.”
What do you think about balkan songs?
“You know the Balkan has probably like many eastern locations gone through a lot of change in the last few decades. Music has caught up to the western style of music and I love the crossover. I like it when there is a little bit of traditional in there but also a lot of modern. I think that for instance Dino Merlin and Sasha Kovacevic make very western style music which sounds amazing to me. But I also love people like Seka Aleksic and Boban who stay a little more true to the traditional style still having this pop feeling to it.
And because I love music so much in general I will always be interested in listening to new and exciting things.
My own single Antidoto even has a little bit of a Balkan feel in the break with an accordeon.”
Lot of bosnian woman is following you, we can say that they are big fans, do you have message for them?
“Omg the Bosnian women and the women from the balkan in general are amazing. They are often so respectful so nice. Shower me with compliments. And they are so beautiful.
I must honestly say I would have a difficult time choosing “one” best friend. If you know what I mean. They are in one word no let's say two. Special beauties.”
(Interview: Lejla F. / Ženski.ba)