Lifestyle (3 posts found)
I think you're our thing
Stop it. You know Marty, you look so familiar, do I know your mother? The only way we're gonna get those two to successfully meet is if they're alone together. So you've got to get your father and mother to interact at some sort of social- I gotta go, uh, I go...
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What did she say?
Stop it. You know Marty, you look so familiar, do I know your mother? The only way we're gonna get those two to successfully meet is if they're alone together. So you've got to get your father and mother to interact at some sort of social- I gotta go, uh, I go...
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Give her a break now
Stop it. You know Marty, you look so familiar, do I know your mother? The only way we're gonna get those two to successfully meet is if they're alone together. So you've got to get your father and mother to interact at some sort of social- I gotta go, uh, I go...
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